The Conran Shop Modern Slavery Report for the financial year 2023-2024 

The Conran Shop’s Modern Slavery Statement relates to the financial year ending March 31st, 2024. This statement is voluntary.


At The Conran Shop, we are committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business. This statement outlines the steps taken, and planned actions for the next financial year 2024-2025, to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within The Conran Shop or our supply chain.   

About The Conran Shop  

Founded in 1972, The Conran Shop is a homewares company offering a curated showcase of innovative and contemporary designs across furniture, lighting, and home accessories. We are the home of considered design and curated living. 

Our business predominantly sells its own The Conran Shop products.

The Conran Shop is based in the UK with a head office in London and a warehouse in Leicester. Our business operations are delivered by approximately 89 employees in the UK.

The Conran Shop distributes its products through various channels; our own UK shops and website, wholesale partnerships, a contracts team, as well as franchise partnerships in Japan and Korea, and a joint venture in the Middle East.

We conduct our business fairly, ethically, and with respect to fundamental human rights. We are fully committed to the prevention of all forms of slavery, forced labour or servitude, child labour, and human trafficking, both in our business and in our supply chains.

Our Policies  

The Conran Shop has zero tolerance towards modern slavery and is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking violations in its operations, its supply chain, and its products.

In January 2024 we launched The Conran Shop Supplier Code of Conduct, which can be found here. Agreeing to and abiding by The Code of Conduct is now part of our onboarding process and is a condition of trading with The Conran Shop.

The Conran Shop requires all suppliers to comply with the values communicated in our Code of Conduct. The terms of the Code of Conduct include but are not limited to ensuring that: employment is freely chosen; working conditions are safe and hygienic; there is no use of child labour; there is no harsh or inhumane treatment; working hours are not excessive and that living wages are paid.

As of March 31st, 2024, 78% of our product suppliers have signed our Code of Conduct. We expect 100% of our existing product suppliers will have signed our Code of Conduct by the end of Q2 2024.

Our Employees  

The Conran Shop has approximately 89 permanent employees in the UK. We check all employee’s eligibility to work as part of our recruitment process. We are confident our employees are not at risk of slavery or human trafficking. All employees of The Conran Shop are given a written contract of employment and are paid in accordance with the law.

Our Supply Chain 

At The Conran Shop, we are proud to source products from across the globe and employ a multi-national workforce. The Conran Shop has no ownership interests in its production chain.

In the year 2023-2024, The Conran Shop reduced its supply chain by 31% to 94 suppliers, of which 65 supply private label, The Conran Shop branded products. The Conran Shop’s main supplier locations, based on the number of suppliers, are India, Italy, China, and Portugal, accounting for 52% of our private label supply base.

Streamlining our supplier base allows us to work more closely with suppliers, helping us to gain greater transparency and identify areas for improvement in our supply chain.

The Conran Shop has partnered with Sedex, a global platform for sharing responsible sourcing and supply chain sustainability information. We are currently onboarding our existing suppliers to the SEDEX platform. SEDEX membership is a mandatory requirement for all new suppliers working with The Conran Shop.

Partnering with Sedex will allow us to proactively conduct due diligence to ensure that our suppliers are operating in accordance with our Code of Conduct, and to identify where improvements are needed.

As of March 31st, 2024, 19% of our product suppliers have registered with Sedex. In the year 2024-2025 we are striving to increase the number of suppliers registered on the Sedex platform, with a key focus on our private label suppliers.


In the financial year 2024-2025, we will strive for all employees who interact directly with suppliers, including design, product development and merchandising teams, to undertake Modern Slavery Training. The purpose of this training is to ensure employees are aware of the signs of modern slavery and the potential impacts purchasing practices can have on worker well-being and suppliers. 

Reporting Mechanisms 

We have a grievance process in place for employees to raise any concerns with Human Resources via their line managers.

By signing our Code of Conduct, suppliers are agreeing to report to The Conran Shop any case or suspected case of violations of the Codes of Conduct, including concerns relating to Modern Slavery, within 14 days of becoming aware.  In the event of an issue being reported, The Conran Shop will follow a formal investigation process.

If a supplier is found to be in breach of our Code of Conduct and fails to implement corrective measures within an agreed timeframe, we will terminate our business relationship with this supplier and cancel existing orders.

Effectiveness of Measures 

At The Conran Shop, we are committed to making continuous improvements and will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our internal processes in eradicating modern slavery.

We will publish an updated report at the end of the financial year 2024-2025.

This statement has been approved by The Conran Shop.